Hi Living. I'm a regular reader, but seldom poster, around here. I was working in the factory during the same time as you (94-01). Congrats on seeing the light and gettin' the hell outta there! -BAC
Breakfast at Cranberrys
JoinedPosts by Breakfast at Cranberrys
Out of Bethel and still recovering
by livingalie inhello to all im new to the site i have been looking for about two weeks now .i was at brooklyn bethel from 1994 -1999 and i worked in the barber shop office blgd.
(25 columbia heights ) .i just wanted to say hi and that many of your post have really been helpful to me as i have gone though some tough times on all levels .
thanks for letting me just state that .
by Terry in--buckaroo 14:56, 10 november 2005 (utc) your response to the original post was that this doesn't read like "a fair and unbiased representation of the facts.
do you have a better, more accurate version of the story?
"tommstein 09:04, 14 november 2005 (utc) i don't need to have a, "more accurate version of the story," to tell when an individual's opinion is being presented as fact.
Breakfast at Cranberrys
Thanks. Very interesting inside look at what I suspect inevitably goes on behind the scenes of any wiki remotely related to JWs. But I was a bit disheartened to see this final comment:
- As Central said, the only conclusion that can be drawn from the Jehovah's Witnesses that one finds on Wikipedia is that either all Jehovah's Witnesses are stupid dickheads or that Wikipedia for some reason attracts the religion's stupid dickheads. Both result in finding the same stupid dickheads on Wikipedia.Tommstein 05:57, 21 January 2006 (UTC)
Er, why turn to name calling at the end of a fairly civil discussion? But anyway, interesting stuff.
OFFICIAL WORLD CUP THREAD! "here we go, here we go, here we go"!
by nicolaou inless than 2 hours before it all starts and a quarter of the earth's population will be watching!
- c'mon you americans, get on board.
germany kick-off against costa rica at 5pm to be followed by poland v ecuador at 8pm (bst)
Breakfast at Cranberrys
Couldn't agree more. An average Cup. Too bad, I had my hopes up after the first round matches.
OFFICIAL WORLD CUP THREAD! "here we go, here we go, here we go"!
by nicolaou inless than 2 hours before it all starts and a quarter of the earth's population will be watching!
- c'mon you americans, get on board.
germany kick-off against costa rica at 5pm to be followed by poland v ecuador at 8pm (bst)
Breakfast at Cranberrys
Who didn't score a single goal in the first round??? America... HAHAHAHAHAHA
OK, I don't want to turn into some US apologist, misspeaches, but this simply isn't true.
At any rate, we didn't play well and deserved to go home. Australia deserves all credit for moving on.
OFFICIAL WORLD CUP THREAD! "here we go, here we go, here we go"!
by nicolaou inless than 2 hours before it all starts and a quarter of the earth's population will be watching!
- c'mon you americans, get on board.
germany kick-off against costa rica at 5pm to be followed by poland v ecuador at 8pm (bst)
Breakfast at Cranberrys
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted for the US. They played poorly today and Ghana deserved the win, even if the PK was crap. I'm looking forward to Ghana v. Brazil. If both teams show up, it should be an amazing game.
OFFICIAL WORLD CUP THREAD! "here we go, here we go, here we go"!
by nicolaou inless than 2 hours before it all starts and a quarter of the earth's population will be watching!
- c'mon you americans, get on board.
germany kick-off against costa rica at 5pm to be followed by poland v ecuador at 8pm (bst)
Breakfast at Cranberrys
Well, here we go! Being an American, I may be a bit biased, but I think our group has been OUTSTANDING. With the last two matches to go, no team is in, no team is out. Awesome! I'm going to be flipping channels like crazy. If Ghana plays like they did against the Czechs, it's over for the US. 'course, that's what I said about the Czechs after they demolished us, so you never know. That's why they play 'em.
OFFICIAL WORLD CUP THREAD! "here we go, here we go, here we go"!
by nicolaou inless than 2 hours before it all starts and a quarter of the earth's population will be watching!
- c'mon you americans, get on board.
germany kick-off against costa rica at 5pm to be followed by poland v ecuador at 8pm (bst)
Breakfast at Cranberrys
Ask and ye shall receive:
OFFICIAL WORLD CUP THREAD! "here we go, here we go, here we go"!
by nicolaou inless than 2 hours before it all starts and a quarter of the earth's population will be watching!
- c'mon you americans, get on board.
germany kick-off against costa rica at 5pm to be followed by poland v ecuador at 8pm (bst)
Breakfast at Cranberrys
The US of A are 5th in the World can you beleive that?? Mental
You can blame FIFA for that. Methinks someone sees a huge market to tap and it getting a bit optimistic. ;-) Too bad the Americans aren't up to it. Although to be fair, the Czechs would've knocked off a lot of teams with their play today. They are looking scary.
Pat Robertsons plane crashed!!!!!
by gringojj init seems a small airplane owned by pat robertson crashed yesterday and 2 people were killed.
has anyone heard him make any statements about this?.
he has been very vocal about expressing why bad things happen to people, i.e.
Breakfast at Cranberrys
This is strange. Last week, I posted some info on PETA since they are HQ'd here and my newspaper covers them. So now this. Pat Robertson is from here (Virginia Beach, where he broadcasts from) so we cover this nutbag too. What's up with the freaks in my backyard? Anyhoo, the plane was leased to a seperate company that handles charters. No one on board was associated with ol' Pat. 3 passengers escaped unharmed. It was the pilot and copilot that died, sadly.
But while we're talking about Robertson, the regular pipeline of ridiculousness just doesn't stop. Last week, his website put up the claim that ... drum roll please ... Pat can leg-press 2,000 pounds! That's right, 1 TON! I guess we can say all that holy spirit must be going right to his thighs. ;-) -
May 26, What Movie Opens------------Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by blondie in.
x-men 3--the last stand
Breakfast at Cranberrys
Enjoyed it for the action, but I was disappointed it wasn't able to weave a better plot. That was what made X1 and X2 so good: great action and above-average story. This was more of the big-budget, small-brain stuff we get all summer. Still fun, though.